Aham Prema
I write these words in remembrance of your endless summer sunlit laughter:
I. Love. You.
They are not yours nor my own,
But in memory
Of life suspended in the spirals of time
Ever since that moment you asked it to “stop”.
We thought it didn’t work,
But there it is.
Glass bottle. Sunlight. Three short words.
I. Love. You.
You knew it then,
it existed in the beats between words.
It still does.
This love is without constraints
Without words
An ocean of time and distance
Endlessly evolving, lapping between our shores.
It is a love that makes no sound
Unless it crashes against the rocks.
This love for you is silence
Crashing upon your sunlit shore.
I write these words in rememberance of your endless summer sunlit laughter
Your barefoot beatific ramblings through darkened streets at unholy hours
Singing to the stars
Singing to the stars
You were singing to the stars.
And to think I was embarassed of you.
Dadum- dadadum- dadadum- dadum
Dadum- dadadum- dadadum- dadum
And you spun me around like angel dancing on cloud
Drop me down and catch me before I hit pavement
Laughing like child cherubs
Oh god how I missed, it even then,
As you sang me dizzy and kissed me drunk.
“Let’s live under the stars” you proclaimed suddenly
“Here we will be young, always.”
What tricks are these?
These symbols of time misleadingly linear-
These battles between analog and digital.
But you and I are skips in time
Waves to their lines
Holes in their sky.
We rain down champagne
And when it lands, we cup our hands
And drink a toast to life fully lived,
And to the return.
We turn these unwashed streets
Into pathways of gold.
These words.
You’re endless.
You’re an endless summer.
Driving top down,
sunlight kissing red bruises into your shoulders
Endless highway streets paved of gold.
I. Love. You.
These words are carved into the endless expanse of time that is your body
When it is alongside mine.
These words are silence, skips in time, unrecorded sound.
These words are poloroid snapshots, fading at the edges.
These words are childhood love memories, sepia toned.
These words are expansive like the ocean.
Let them crash onto you.
Feel their sound.